Merese Hill, The Best Place to See Sunset and Sunrise on Lombok island

Merese Hill-Lombok has a variety of natural attractions that truly amazingly beautiful, great place to fall in love. One is the Merese Hill located in central Lombok. This Hill is also called the Hill of love because of extraordinary beauty. Might be able to represent the feeling of falling in love.
Hill Merese or local citizens called it bald Hill Merisik meaning. Called bald because not found trees on it, just one tree Hill at the western end by the visitors often referred to the tree itself.
Its location is on the beach of Tanjung Aan area, beaches have white sand color and bluish green waters as well as waters. Arusnya pretty quiet because flanked two rugged headlands.
Merese Hill, The Best Place to See Sunset and Sunrise on Lombok island

To reach the Hill of Merese we will pass some of the already famous beaches in Kuta Beach and Lombokseperti Beach So. Journey time is approximately two hours from Mataram city.

From the top of the hill, we could see the beauty of the panorama that will not be forgotten. We can see the coral reefs off the top of the Hill because of its clear water. 

The location of the Hill merese

Merese Hill has located in the southern part of Lombok and still an area with a beach of Tanjung Aan in Kuta Lombok area. From the city of Mataram is about two hours drive from the international airport while the Lombok is only about 45 minutes away using a motor vehicle. Ascend this Hill quite easily, the parking of the vehicle you live walk about ten minutes to get to the top. The top of the Hill is extensive and is divided into several sections. Each piece offers a different view.

From the Hill Merese you can also see two special moments during sunrise and sunset. In the path when starting up the Hill you will see signposted that will direct you if you want to see the sunset or sunrise. For those of you who stayed in the area Kuta Lombok, just try to Merese into the hills and experience the exposure to the rays of the morning sun with gentle warmth combined with the aroma of green grass that is already on the other morning dew.
Merese Hill, The Best Place to See Sunset and Sunrise on Lombok island

This will add to the exoticism scenery of your journey. Just imagine, in the sunset glow on the West by the sky-colored dusk, the green of the grass Hill Merese, Tanjung Aan white sand beaches and blue sea water southern Lombok, beach secret Bongo Cape coupled with the Buffalo are neatly lined up across the Hill, will certainly make your journey becomes more memorable. Infrequently you can discover the beauty and the moment that blends such as this.

To climb this Hill to Bring drinks to taste before the uphill to the Hill Merese because of travel which is quite draining. If have much time, do not forget to visit Cape coast, a secret Bongo, exactly behind the Hill to the right, you live down the cliffs that are not too steep. After that, you will find a beach of clear water tub of water ponds.

Besides the beauty of its natural panorama, this Hill is also very nice to capture the moment your journey in the camera. Not only photos narcissist, some couples who are in love ever chose this Hill as a location for a photo shoot their pre-wedding photos.

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