The Typical Lombok Food That Shake The Tongue

The food is typical of the island of Lombok

Lombok never crowned as best kosher sights and attractions the best honeymoon halal in the Halal World International Travel Awards 2015. As the best halal tourism places, certainly also not to be missed to taste the typical food.
The food there is only on Lombok Island, following the existing on Lombok specialties:
1. Pleccing
Who do not know plecing Kale? Lombok's specialties is a refined aquatic plants is so popular in every home packed in Lombok. It seemed not yet to Lombok Lombok culinary dining if not this one.
Indeed it looks simple, but taste is incredible. A blend of cayenne pepper, salt, tomato and shripm paste so a vibrating tongue. Everyone who ate it would certainly cry favors because feels spiciness.
Plecing Kale this is obviously very healthy and helps fertility due to added bean sprouts and fried peanut sprinkles to add a savory flavor. This concept like a bear fruit salads and more are vegetarian.
The  Typical Lombok Food That Shake The Tongue

2. Chiken Taliwang
Chicken Taliwang was certainly typical of Lombok's most popular. Try chicken roasted Taliwang.  spicy tastes awful. In addition to Taliwang, chicken can be burned can also be served with deep fried way.
The selected free-range chicken is chicken that is still young so the meat was very tender and easy to remove from the bones in. Sensations of spicy food is indeed a culinary haven in Lombok.
The seasoning into the lock so the chicken taliwang became very very tasty and felt in tongue

The  Typical Lombok Food That Shake The Tongue

3. Sate Bulayak
The name alone may be less familiar. However, this bulayak Satay is similar to sate Madura others. The difference lies in the rice cake that is served.
The uniqueness of the sate Bulayak because rice cake is wrapped using the palm leaves in the shape of a spiral. How to open it any time because of the unique screw must follow the sugar palm leaves.
Broil uses beef that's been mixed with sambal Sasak specialties. Local wisdom Bulayak Satay is eaten in a way without using a spoon or fork. So, make sure you already wash your hands Yes. Enjoy the sate bulayak very tasty at the moment is still hot because its herbs and chilli still lumpy and his meat is cooked perfectly.
The  Typical Lombok Food That Shake The Tongue

the more someone of the specialties that originated on the island of Lombok, his companions visit to enjoy these culinary delights.

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