Diet water drinks easy tips

11 White Water Diet Tips for Weight Loss

For those of you who are planning to lose weight, there is no harm in trying a white water diet. Here are 11 tips for following a water diet that you should try to lose weight.

1. Drink Water Before Eating
Research has proven that when you drink 2 glasses of water before eating, it will help you to consume less food. That is why this trick is very useful for weight loss.

2. Drink more than 4 liters a day
To lose weight with water, drink plenty of water. Drinking more than 4 liters of water a day will help to get rid of toxins and burn fat in the body.

3. Reduce Hunger with Water
If you feel hungry, try to relieve it by drinking plenty of water. That way, you will limit the calories into the body so that you will easily lose weight.

4. Choose Water Than Drinks
Instead of consuming all-sweet drinks, choose to drink plain water. The reason is, water is proven to be healthier than bottled drinks.

5. Detox Air
You can try water therapy to lose weight quickly. There are many types of water therapy that can be tried to lose weight and stay healthy.

6. Salad Combination with Water
Try to combine salads with water. Salad is rich and beneficial for healthy digestion, while water can increase metabolism. The combination of the two is believed to be able to lose weight in a healthy way.

7. Green Tea
You can also combine a water diet with green tea. Green tea is proven to increase metabolism and the immune system in the body.

8. Water and Sports
Before you exercise, don't forget to drink enough water. Similarly, when you finish exercising. Consuming enough water is very useful so that your body is well hydrated.

9. Warm water
Drink warm water you can also try to lose weight. This trick you can do in the morning. You can also add a little orange or salt to warm water so it doesn't taste bland.

10. Water in the Morning
Drinking a glass of water when you first open your eyes in the morning is the best way to lose weight quickly. Do it every day and feel the difference.

11. Intake of water throughout the day
Adequate intake of water throughout the day will help you to stay hydrated. As a result, you will feel more energetic and have an ideal body weight.

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